Companeo Case Study - B2B Marketplace

More than 3000 leads - +41% ROI
digital 64 customer reviews
5/ 5
According to +50 Google and Yellow Pages reviews
companeo case study

Get the best possible B2B leads at the best possible price 

Managing sponsored link campaigns was the biggest challenge, with dozens of campaigns on a wide range of B2B themes: insurance, automotive, accounting, business creation, human resources...

Generate new leads >
Pour optimiser la rentabilité de chaque campagne, il fallait optimiser chaque campagne et bien gérer les analytics. Trouver de nouveaux canaux publicitaires était aussi un enjeu important pour éviter la « Search » dépendance.

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companeo website

A 2-stage campaign


Marketing Steering, Tools and Analytics

- Implementation of Growth Marketing tools (Analytics, Marketing Automation, data connectors, etc.)

- Regular A/B testing of site and marketing campaigns


Optimize B2B lead acquisition

- Paid and SEO campaign management in 4 countries (France, Netherlands, Belgium, UK)

- Acquisition mainly via Google Ads and launch of new digital channels

Sandrine Chebille's opinion - Former Customer Marketing Manager

Companeo 3
customer reviews

"Very good results

Adrien worked with us for two years. He worked on a wide range of subjects: lead acquisition via Paid, SEO, but also conversion rate optimization, the website and new media. He achieved very good results.

Sandrine Chebille

Former Customer Marketing Manager

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